Monday, April 4, 2011

April 2011 Updates

With the new road preparation, we lost the entire front of the ministry center land - almost right up to the porch of the center. That meant that the swingset the Highlands work team created several years ago had to be moved.
Phoan digging up the swingset

The land behind the ministry center is producing much better this year. Sophan has worked hard to improve the soil, and it has paid off in a better fruit crop this year.
Pomelo tree

sapodilla tree

king grass growing to feed the goats

We also were able to dig three wells in Ou Thmaa this past week. This community did not have any wells at all, so this has been a precious gift.

digging wells in Ou Thmaa

the first well capped

We still hope to be able to dig more wells in this community and have requested a local organization to help with this.

Thanks for all your prayers. It's exciting to watch God working and moving!!



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